Is there a key-in filter for a dynamics processor on a channel?(PM1D) Yes, there is a HPF and a LPF for every Gate but no key-in filter for Comp. When you choose a KEY IN 1-4 you may select any post EQ audio signal from an input or output channel as the key-in source. At the time, the channel EQ can be a key-in filter—though the channel will be dedicated to the key-in.

(PM5D) Yes, there is one filter which you can select a type from HPF, LPF or BPF, for every Gate but no key-in filter for Comp. When you choose one of the MIX 21-24 output signals or one of adjacent eight channels' post EQ as a key-in source, the EQ on the source channel can be a key-in filter—though the channel will be dedicated to the key-in.
(M7CL, LS9) Yes, there is one filter which you can select a type from HPF, LPF or BPF, for every DYNAMICS 1 processor with GATE or DUCKING program but no key-in filter for any COMPRESSOR, EXPANDER, and DYNAMICS 2 processor. When you choose one of the MIX 13-16 output signals or one of the adjacent eight channels' post EQ as a key-in source, the EQ on the source channel can be a key-in filter—though the channel will be dedicated to the key-in.
(DM/0) No, there is not. When you choose one of MIX 1-12 output signals as a key-in source, the EQ on the MIX channel can be a key-in filter—though the MIX will be dedicated to the key-in. You can also choose one of the adjacent 12 channels as a key-in source; those signals are pre GATE -- pre EQ.